Unleash Slack App

Search across your company's apps and share resources with your team mates directly from your Slack conversations

Unleash App
for Slack

Search across your company's apps and share resources with your team mates directly from your Slack conversations
Try Unleash for Free


A colleague is requesting a document, you want to send a draft to your boss or you need to find something to share with a channel?

The Unleash bot for Slack allows you to quickly search, locate and share resources right from your Slack chat, eliminating context switching and liberate you from the manual grunt work of sifting through various programs, applications, folders, and email chains to find what you are looking for.

Setting Up

  • Download Unleash desktop app or sign in to the web app
  • Navigate to settings and click on App Upgrades
  • Select the Unleash for Slack option
  • Add to Slack

Getting Started

  • From any chat, type /u followed by your search query,
    hit enter and results related to your search query will appear
  • Click on the desired results to share the resource
    directly within your chats or channels
  • Chat with the Unleash App for Slack to quickly open

Good to Know

Broad Search /u [search query]
A broad search yields result containing any resource that relates to your search query. You can click on the app filters that appear above the results to refine results to resources from a specific filter/s.

Narrow Search /u [filter] [search query]
A narrow search filters your search results to resources from a specific app. EG: /u notion task or /u asana projects


A colleague is requesting a document, you want to send a draft to your boss or you need to find something to share with a channel?

The Unleash Slackbot allows you to quickly search, locate and share resources right from your Slack chat, eliminating context switching and liberate you from the manual grunt work of sifting through various programs, applications, folders, and email chains to find what you are looking for.

Setting Up

  • Download Unleash desktop app or sign in to the web app
  • Navigate to settings and click on App Upgrades
  • Select the Unleash for Slack option
  • Add to Slack
Currently the Unleash App is unavailable for mobile use. Learn more here

Getting Started

  • From any chat, type /u followed by your search query, hit enter and results related to your search query will appear
  • Click on the desired results to share the resource directly within your chats or channels
  • Chat with the Unleash Slack App to quickly open resources

Good to Know

Broad Search /u [search query]

A broad search yields result containing any resource that relates to your search query. You can click on the app filters that appear above the results to refine results to resources from a specific filter/s.

Narrow Search /u [filter] [search query]

A narrow search filters your search results to resources from a specific app. EG: /u notion task or /u asana projects