
Next generation
AI assistant

Elevate your workspace with a seamlessly integrated bot that effortlessly delivers crucial knowledge to streamline your workflow.
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Transform your Slack channels with the Unleash Bot, which provides you with relevant answers drawn from your organizational knowledge.
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Seamlessly integrate Unleash with Zendesk to empower agents with instant information, real-time coaching, and a unified knowledge hub.
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Coming soon


Resolve your Salesforce cases faster with the Unleash Bot, empowering your teams with instant insights for better customer support.
Coming soon


Level up your Microsoft Teams chats with the Unleash Bot, which delivers accurate answers sourced from your organization's knowledge.
Coming soon

Embed Assistant

Integrate Unleash's AI-powered search bar into your portal, website, and tools and receive reliable answers from your company's knowledge base.

Ready to join the ride?

Create your account and get started today.
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