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What is Unleash?

What is Unleash?

We’re here to change the way you approach finding information.

With the increasing number of SAAS tools companies are using to store their workplace information, it can become time-consuming and difficult to accomplish your goals when you’re searching across chat, email, document, repository, project management and bug tracking tools, CRMS, HRIS, and even internal wiki’s to find the information you need.

Unleash is a productivity tool that integrates to some of the most widely used applications, providing you with a central place to search and locate all the scattered pieces of your data, across your cloud apps, work space tools and local desktop.

With our Google-like search solution, you enter a query into the Unleash Search Bar and Unleash searches across your entire workplace information, including inside emails, documents, calendar and more, returning relevant ranked results in seconds.

It brings you the information you need and connects you with the people who can help, so you and your team never miss a beat!

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When should I use Unleash?

The next time you are plagued with questions like…

  • Where did I save the doc that my colleague sent me yesterday?
  • In which tool did I view that information... was it in GitHub, Asana, Notion or some other tool?
  • Who do I approach for X?
  • What's the development team working on this quarter?

That is when you should start searching with Unleash, your answer to all these questions! We’ll surface relevant results in a single place so you can quickly and easily find what you need.

Who uses Unleash?

Anyone who uses multiple tools in a days work, Unleash is for you! Across all teams and department; Sales, R&D, Product - Unleash has saved them time when working solo and collaborating with one another by helping them to find the information they need to get the job done!

Want to know more? Get in touch with us!