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How to Use the Unleash App for Slack?

How to Use the Unleash App for Slack?

It’s like an answering machine for Slack

We all know that Slack is a rich source of knowledge exchange in a company, a constant exchange of conversations, information, and documentation. 

However, it can become difficult to keep track of repeated inquiries dispersed across various channels, and locating relevant information can be a daunting task. The Unleash App for Slack offers a solution to these challenges by providing a bot that boasts two primary functionalities:

  • Answer common questions
  • Search from any channel

To get started, shoot us a message support@unleash.so and we will get you set up in no time!

Answer common questions

The Unleash Bot offers fast and reliable answers to both you and your teammates' questions using your company’s organizational knowledge. 

To add the bot to your desired Slack channels, simply use the command "/invite @Unleash". 

Upon invitation, the bot will monitor the channels and identify any questions being asked. If the bot detects a question, the bot will provide answers based on the channel's past Q&A by default. 

However, to incorporate additional resources from Unleash, navigate to the Unleash App and select "Assistants" followed by "Slack". This will display the channels where the bot has been invited. From there, select the data sources you wish to use for reference when providing answers.

Best practices for asking the bot questions:

  • When asking a question, remember to add a ? at the end. Then sit back and let the bot answer all yours and your team's questions! 
  • When replying to a question from a colleague, try to do it in a thread to keep things organized.
  • When asking a question or providing an answer, try not to use enter after every sentence. Instead, use . to make things easier to read.

Search from any channel

If you find yourself in need of quickly locating and sharing resources on Slack, the Unleash bot is here to help. Whether a colleague has requested a document, you need to share a draft with your boss, or you want to find something to share with a channel, the bot offers a solution.

Using the bot, you can easily search for and locate the necessary resources, including Go Links, and share them with the relevant parties with just a few clicks. This tool can help streamline communication and enhance productivity within your team or organization, allowing you to focus on your work without getting bogged down in the details of resource sharing. 

How to use the bot to share resources:

  • From any chat or channel, hit /u to set the Unleash Search Command.
  • Then start a broad search or a narrow search

Broad Search /u "search query"

A broad search yields results containing any resource that relates to your search query.

App filters will appear above the results. You can click on any one or more of these filters to refine results to resources from that filter/s only.

To see more results click “Next Results”, or hit "View on Unleash" to view all the results on Unleash.

Narrow Search /u [filter] [search query]

A narrow search filters your search results to resources from a specific app.

How to use the SlackBot to share resources:

Go Links /go [link name]

  • From any chat or channel, hit /go to set the Unleash Go Link Command.
  • Type the name of your Go Link and hit enter to send

Want to see more? Check out our YouTube Tutorial 🙂